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Auto locks

There's something new every day.

Audi A4 B6 door lock cylinderAudi A4 B6 door lock cylinder
Audi A4 B6 door lock cylinder
880 UAH
HONDA door lock cylinderHONDA door lock cylinder
HONDA door lock cylinder
880 UAH
Door Lock BMW HU100R Door Lock BMW HU100R
Door Lock BMW HU100R
930 UAH
Door Lock BMW HU100R Door Lock BMW HU100R
Door Lock BMW HU100R
1,770 UAH
Auto lock for Peugeot 307(hu83)Auto lock for Peugeot 307(hu83)
Autolock for SubaruAutolock for Subaru
Autolock for Subaru
900 UAH
Auto lock for Mercedes BenzAuto lock for Mercedes Benz
Auto lock for Mercedes Benz
1,470 UAH
Auto lock for Toyota#2Auto lock for Toyota#2
Auto lock for Toyota#2
880 UAH
Auto lock for Toyota#3Auto lock for Toyota#3
Auto lock for Toyota#3
970 UAH
HONDA door lock cylinderHONDA door lock cylinder
HONDA door lock cylinder
1,300 UAH
HONDA door lock cylinderHONDA door lock cylinder
HONDA door lock cylinder
1,300 UAH
HONDA door lock cylinderHONDA door lock cylinder
HONDA door lock cylinder
1,300 UAH
HONDA door lock cylinderHONDA door lock cylinder
HONDA door lock cylinder
1,300 UAH
HONDA door lock cylinderHONDA door lock cylinder
HONDA door lock cylinder
1,300 UAH
Mazda door lock cylinderMazda door lock cylinder
Mazda door lock cylinder
850 UAH

Movable property is stolen more often. Cars have been under constant threat of theft since they appeared on the world's roads. It's almost impossible to reduce it to zero: professional car thieves take a few moments to open a car - remember the Hollywood movie "Steal in 60 Seconds" starring Nicolas Cage.

Vehicle owners have to make it difficult for the hijackers.

The solution is as follows:

secret buttons;
All these really reduce the chance to steal a car. However, the door locks for a car may contribute to its protection - the thieves prefer not to get involved with technologically complicated locks, which takes precious time to open.

Variants of locking mechanisms
Mainly cylinder locks are used in means of transportation, except for special orders.

They have a lot of advantages:

Such locking devices "mount" with body elements without the slightest problem;
have compact dimensions;
can be easily built into the remote control drive for door opening/locking.
There are two types of locks.

Pin mechanical locks for cars. They are also pin locks. The key is flat, with notches, each of which presses one of the pins, located inside the latch casing. Each groove is unique and can't be unlocked with any other key.
The key is either a frame key or a slat key. The key also has dents, but they should coincide not with the spring pins, but with the stationary elements in the form of plates.
In modern cars, the locks are often additionally complicated: the frame mechanisms are made double-sided or code holes are used instead of notches on the keys.

Of course, both locks for car doors may be cracked. However, the traditional picklocks are not very effective, exactly because of the intricacies of the locking devices producers. That is why the thieves usually act roughly. In the case of the pin lock, they use bumping: they insert a billet into the hole and hit it with a hammer. When the pins are thrown upwards, it is possible to turn the cylinder and open the door. The particularly advanced prefer to buy a decoder for auto locks.

If the question is about a "frame", a special drill is used to bluntly drill out the lock. If theft is a custom job, when it's undesirable to disfigure the car, the thieves use probes and picklocks, but it's long and risky.

In the end, the hijacker can always resort to cracking the remote control doors of the car and open the central lock. But that's a separate topic.

What and where to buy?
At first sight, it seems that it is better to buy a frame mechanism - it is resistant to bumping and seems to be more reliable. By the way, it is the "frame" put in the door of many expensive models. But "pins" are constantly improving, so every year they become more and more reliable protection from theft.

If you have a necessity to buy a car lock, the online store "Medvezhatnik" will offer you the fullest assortment of locking devices of any type. The prices for the locks are extremely loyal, and our consultants are knowledgeable and will help you to choose the lock that suits the buyer best in terms of cost, quality, reliability and other indicators. In our shop you can buy a car srutator, as well as other tools for emergency opening.